Meaningful stakeholder engagement is at the heart of FaCeT's work. From conception to implementation, we communicate and work closely with fishery stakeholders, emphasizing trust and transparency at every stage of our project. 

Our commitment to meaningful engagement also shapes our communication strategy. We actively keep our stakeholder communities abreast of the team's findings, tools, and applications in development as well as FaCeT's future directions.

Partners and Stakeholders

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FaCeT's diverse partners and stakeholders include people from across sectors. Among them are individuals from business and industry, government, nonprofit, regional fishery management organizations, and research and academia.


FaCeT’s tools and ecological forecasting products are designed to provide stakeholders with needed information on biological and economic responses to, and impacts of, ocean anomalies and projected climate change. 

Fueled by satellite data, climate models, fishery-independent and -dependent biological data, and vessel tracking data, FaCeT bridges the gap between management and climate science to provide critical applications that support climate readiness and ocean resilience. 

Our partners and stakeholders include:



Scientists and academics contribute to FaCeT by providing critical data and insights into fisheries, marine spatial planning, and climate science. Their collaborations help the FaCeT team develop forecasting tools that enhance understanding of ecosystem responses to climate change.
convention meeting

Resource managers

FaCeT serves policymakers and nonprofit organizations to support sustainable management of marine resources as well as through the development and implementation of climate-smart adaptation strategies and sustainable practices.
researcher using computer

Resource users

FaCeT’s tools and resources are open and freely accessible to the public. Resource users and industry stakeholders from a range of sectors—such as fisheries, protected areas, and renewable energy—can use FaCeT’s products to gain the knowledge needed to adapt to climate-driven changes in marine environments.

Logos of FaCeT's partners and stakeholders: California Ocean Science Trust; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; Environmental Defense Fund; Global Fishing Watch; Gulf of Maine Research Institute; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; Marine Stewardship Council; Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Northeast Regional Ocean Council; Oregon State University; San Diego State University; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Technical University of Denmark; The Nature Conservancy; University of California, Davis; University of Washington; US Fish and Wildlife Service; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

New Collaborations

FaCeT partners with several fishery agencies and organizations to develop tools and applications in support of climate-ready and sustainable fisheries. We value the opportunity to work closely with partners to ensure our science is impactful and directly addresses current challenges in fishery management. 

If your organization or agency is interested in partnering with FaCeT, please contact Rebecca Lewison or Camrin Braun for more information.

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